As promised, here is the video that will show you how simple it is to set up your signature link in the forums that you join. This video demonstrates how to make sure your link is click-able.
After watching the video, be sure to go and register for the forums that I have listed below.
Here are some basic rules to follow when posting at forums -
1. After registering, go introduce yourself. Talk about your likes, interests and what brought you to the forum.
2. Do not use the introduction as an opportunity to "pitch" your opportunity. This turns people off, and may get you labeled as a spammer, or banned. Let the link do the talking for you.
3. Do interact, and respond to topics that interest you and don't be afraid to ask questions.
4. If the forum offers an area for you to post your opportunity, GO FOR IT.
5. Look for active forum conversations, and add your "two cents".
6. Don't use the pm tool as a way to "pitch" people on your opportunity. Again, this is highly frowned upon.
7. Have fun and be YOU. People will only get to know, like and trust you when you are being yourself. Maintain a positive attitude and watch as people are drawn to you. There is a term for this: Magnetic Attraction.
8. If you are an expert on your topic, post about the topic. Present your case, and avoid
wrapping your opportunity into it. People see through this, and again...you know the deal.
9. Always be friendly, and polite. Use the sense that your mom gave you....if you can't say something nice, it's probably better left unsaid. :-)